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Personal Stories - Peter Buckingham

My personal story relating to my disability starts with my head-on car crash in December 1993. I received a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and broke my right arm with extensive deep bruising of the right side of my body. I was then in a coma for 6 weeks , vegetative state for 6ish weeks and still have some post traumatic amnesia (PTA) now . I was in hospital and rehab. for 2 1/2 years.

After my discharge it seemed as if the Health Service didn't exist. I maintained contact by giving talks on my experience to the NHS staff who treated me. This then broadened my contacts and I then gave talks to other NHS staff including "Headway" National and BIRT (Brain Injury Rehab. Trust) Head Office. Many other Headway Branches used my talk including Headway in Melbourne Australia.

I am very keen to give other Talks as "Brain Injury" is, very much, a Hidden Disability. My talks help to publicise the subject and raises awareness amongst the Medical Profession and the general Public. This can only help.

If you are interested , I can be contacted through Folk Us.

Peter Buckingham